Understanding Game Theory and Its Real-Life Applications in Life and Business

Game theory might sound like it’s all about video games, but it’s actually a fascinating field of study that applies to decision-making in real life. Developed in the 1940s by mathematicians John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern, game theory explores how people make choices when the outcome depends not only on their actions but also …

Who is Tren de Aragua and does the USA have a problem?

The US Dept of Homeland Security announced today that it has identified more than 600 persons whom have ties to the Venezuelan criminal organization Tren de Aragua, and at least 100 of these persons were deemed “confirmed” gang members whom DHS recommended be placed on the FBI watchlist. According to DHS reports, this gang has …

What is Grace?

I went on a much longer than usual bike ride this morning. Sometimes when I do this, I enjoy the solitude of the quiet side streets in the early morning hours as it gives me time to think about things in my life. Today was one of those days and I was overwhelmed with a …