What’s the Importance of Branding and Image?

What kind of branding services do you offer? Most people have and project an image of themselves which they want the world to see and believe. Oftentimes I find that’s not the case when if you spend time doing research, reading professional blogs, or even going through social media. For example, when we were hiring …

Dan Lounsbury Family Office celebrates establishment of Legacy Growth Services

One year ago today, Dan Lounsbury established a Family Office in South Florida with the goal of building a legacy for his family. Today, that effort is evolving as he adjusts his strategy based on his own past business challenges. Lounsbury picked up knowledge and experience in investing and stock markets working with Merrill Lynch after moving …

Creating a Strategic Plan

What is Legacy Growth Services? It starts with building a strategic plan. The key to building this plan is being able to dedicate a significant amount of time to sit down, write everything out, and then step away. That’s why having a coach or a mentor can help you realize all the various aspects of …